Can’t complete one project before the next (zone controlled)

I love my man, but I also want to strangle him more often than not.

Especially when he gets too “motivated” about changing our home with all the renovations we dreamed of when we first viewed the property.

I appreciate his excitement, but he gets very unrealistic about what we can viably change in one season, at times. I swear, he has too many projects that he commits us both to. This is especially the case when he starts eyeballing the heating, cooling, and ventilation system, for instance. For the past two months, it seems like he is always going downstairs to poke at the boiler system or wandering outside to inspect the air conditioning condenser. I generally have no idea what he is doing to our indoor air handling devices, but apparently he has been making big plans. I learned this the hard way when he started talking about having an all-new air purification device installed in tandem with our central heating, cooling, and ventilation equipment. Then, he started manically talking about mini split ductless heating and cooling solutions for our bedroom in one breath. Now, I’m not against the idea of new air handling systems, but it seemed like we should hold off on the brand new air temperature control investment until we see how the other HVAC renovations have worked out. I mean, we just got the air purifier two weeks earlier. We had no idea if our indoor air quality had already been improved. Meanwhile, my husband was apparently obsessed with the idea of even more brand new indoor temperature control. Before I knew it, the heating and cooling technician was consulting with him about zone controlled heating and cooling as the mini split ductless system was still being installed. Please take a breath.


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