Contributing writer to college newsletter about HVAC

I suppose I came up in a situation where there weren’t many options regarding my eventual career.

It was expected that I would work with my hands in a mechanical way, and my best bet was going to trade school.

So that’s what I did. I never asked questions or considered another option for my career. I guess that’s why, for most of my life I had no clue that I absolutely enjoyed writing. I don’t think that I ever really considered it before. However, there are certain topics that I seriously enjoy writing about. I’m not the sort of person who can be given a research topic, though… I am most interested in talking about home repairs and heating, cooling, and ventilation solutions. I’m sure this is because I come from a long line of handymen and heating, cooling, and air quality control specialists. I knew everything there is to know about indoor air temperature control units, indoor air quality, and HVAC maintenance before I was 10 years old. I have been working in the heating, cooling, and ventilation field for decades, but it was only a few years ago that I realized I could combine my interest in writing and heating, cooling, and ventilation equipment. It all started when the local community newsletter put out a call for contributing authors to their DIY editorial section. I wrote them a few quick pieces about the nature of properly maintaining and servicing your heating, cooling, and ventilation system.. And apparently, readers really enjoyed my DIY heating, cooling, and air quality control reporting. The next thing I knew, the community was asking me to be a regular contributor for expert information on indoor air temperature control processes. I can’t believe I’m a writer.


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