Studio without HVAC, on purpose

For just about a year now I have been working on my passion project with full commitment.

I have always wanted to become a mental health writer and advocate.

Surprisingly, I actually found a way to make some of this happen. A lot of my success is due to a podcast that I developed and produced all by myself. To this day, podcasting is one of the most important things that I do with my time. Unfortunately, there are some start-up costs to doing it well. Namely, I realized that my heating, cooling, and air quality control system needed to be renovated in order for my podcast sound quality to be amazing. I started noticing that there was some interference on my recordings from the heating, cooling, and ventilation system turning on and off throughout my episodes. At first, I thought that the sound of the furnace running in the background was fairly subtle. And then, my heating system started to get louder. That’s when my listeners started to complain about the poor sound quality thanks to my indoor air temperature control system. Of course, I really did not want to invest in all new heating, cooling, and ventilation machinery. Instead, I thought it would be a good idea to build a studio which could be separate from the heating, cooling, and air quality control equipment. That’s when I turned my shed into a brand new recording studio. I didn’t even bother installing a mini split ductless heating and cooling system for fear of noise pollution. Don’t get me wrong, it’s uncomfortable to record without AC or heat… but at least I’m following my dream.



a/c representative