Invited potential tech employee to my house to feel HVAC himself

I’ve been digging really deeply into Reddit lately.

In particular, I love the job boards and anti work threads for my own entertainment.

Whenever people start talking about how difficult the job market is at the moment, I can’t help but nod in agreement. For my generation, the task of finding a new job has become a job itself. So many of us are fighting for so few positions that it can be impossible to secure positions that you are qualified for. This is why I have been getting more creative with my job hires recently. I want to get the best and brightest HVAC workers, but I don’t want to waste their time. I also don’t want to hire someone who doesn’t appreciate high quality indoor air for personal reasons, not just an HVAC technician paycheck. This is why last week I invited my potential employee over to my house just to show him the level of skill that I expected from my heating and cooling workers. Of course, I have been working in indoor air temperature control positions for over 16 years now, but the indoor air temperature and air quality repair industry around here needed a higher quality HVAC repair shop. So I opened one. There are tons of low quality eating, cooling, and air quality control repair shops around here which makes the job market competitive. This is why I decided to invite my potential employee over for dinner after finishing our interview at my little indoor air temperature control dealership. I figured, rather than asking him all about furnace, air conditioner, and thermostat repair… I should just show him what I expected. When he wandered into my perfectly comfortable home, he almost immediately told me he had a lot left to learn and promptly left before dinner even started.

Air conditioning repair service

Want kid to follow in my footsteps; lucrative career

When I was younger I sincerely could not understand why people aimed to procreate.

It sounded to be a thorn in the side of your own life for the sake of other little monkey-creatures who may or may not appreciate any of your actions.

I thought about all the missed vacations and ladies I’d like to meet… and shuddered. No thank you. But times change, I can tell you that for sure. Now that I’m older, I honestly understand the appeal of having children… Especially when I get to pass on my own personal interests to my kids. You see, I have three kiddos who I have been carefully training to follow in my expert heating, cooling, and ventilation footsteps. Specifically, I would love for them to know the ins-and-outs of modern indoor air temperature control equipment from a young age. I don’t really care if they go on to become professional heating, cooling, and air quality control technicians like I did – it would be fine if they at least be professional heating, cooling, and ventilation shop owners. Ultimately, I want them to be able to fend for themselves instead of relying on expensive professional services. I know for a fact, if they are capable of troubleshooting their own heating, cooling, and ventilation machinery then they will never need to pay for a professional heating and cooling emergency repair service or live with the impending sense of doom that comes from a rapidly deteriorating HVAC system. They’ll also never need to worry about finding work, because everyone needs heating and cooling workers. I just want the little buggers to be happy and successful – I guess I am a good dad.

a/c representative

Hard to stay on task when it’s nice out; long AC repairs

Sometimes I even stop at a local park for fresh air streaming over my face

If there is one dirty word in my vocabulary, it’s “lazy.” For my whole life I have been a very productive human being. Growing up in my home, there was no choice in the level of activity. My parents insisted that we all hold our weight around by doing chores around the household, it was not an option to slack off in school, and by the time I was a teenager I had to hold employment unless I wanted to be kicked out. As such, I am definitely not the sort who tries to skip out on work. However, there are times that I find this a real challenge. Particularly, when I see that the outdoor air temperature is finally warming up after an extremely long and challenging winter season. If you live in a climate like I do, you understand that the first two days of spring are basically the most exciting time of the year. All you want to do is lay around outside, bask in the sunshine, and start planning fun outdoor gatherings since it is possible to be comfortable without any expensive central heating, cooling, and air quality control system. And those warm days really make it difficult to care about your work indoors. Luckily, as a heating, cooling, and air quality control technician… I often have the ability to soak up some of the warm, pleasant outdoor air in between my indoor air temperature control appointments. Basically, if I am traveling from one HVAC repair appointment to the next, I’ll take my sweet time. Sometimes I even stop at a local park for fresh air streaming over my face. I just tell the shop that my HVAC appointment went long. By the time I reach the next heating, cooling, and air quality control service I’m motivated again.



cooling technician

Contributing writer to college newsletter about HVAC

I suppose I came up in a situation where there weren’t many options regarding my eventual career.

It was expected that I would work with my hands in a mechanical way, and my best bet was going to trade school.

So that’s what I did. I never asked questions or considered another option for my career. I guess that’s why, for most of my life I had no clue that I absolutely enjoyed writing. I don’t think that I ever really considered it before. However, there are certain topics that I seriously enjoy writing about. I’m not the sort of person who can be given a research topic, though… I am most interested in talking about home repairs and heating, cooling, and ventilation solutions. I’m sure this is because I come from a long line of handymen and heating, cooling, and air quality control specialists. I knew everything there is to know about indoor air temperature control units, indoor air quality, and HVAC maintenance before I was 10 years old. I have been working in the heating, cooling, and ventilation field for decades, but it was only a few years ago that I realized I could combine my interest in writing and heating, cooling, and ventilation equipment. It all started when the local community newsletter put out a call for contributing authors to their DIY editorial section. I wrote them a few quick pieces about the nature of properly maintaining and servicing your heating, cooling, and ventilation system.. And apparently, readers really enjoyed my DIY heating, cooling, and air quality control reporting. The next thing I knew, the community was asking me to be a regular contributor for expert information on indoor air temperature control processes. I can’t believe I’m a writer.


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No point in calling HVAC tech, warmth won’t last

Some people might call me naive.

Some might say ignorant.

Some might say gullible. I prefer “excited.” But the outcome is the same – I jump the gun and spend a lot of money unnecessarily. Every spring I feel like I fall for the same expensive joke. For the past 55 years or so I have had the same unfettered enthusiasm every spring when we get a few breaths of warm air. After a long, difficult winter there will inevitably be a day or two when the outdoor air temperature becomes unseasonably warm. Out of nowhere, the outdoor climate will take a turn for the better. This fresh, warm air that comes blowing through the region and immediately makes me think that a balmy spring is on its way. Finally, our cold days are over! That’s right about when I power down the forced air furnace and call my heating, cooling, and ventilation technician for a professional heating, cooling, and ventilation inspection on the retiring furnace. While he’s out, I have him check the large central air conditioning unit, too. It makes sense; I’m trying to be proactive for the impending air temperature change, but there’s a problem. Inevitably I wind up immensely letdown within a week when we return to the cold and bitter characteristics of winter. Meanwhile, I have to go back to using my forced air furnace… which means the professional service job is a moot point. Subsequently, I wind up calling the HVAC technician back out to my property to re-do the whole inspection. I’ll wise up one of these days.
Commercial air conditioning

Can’t complete one project before the next (zone controlled)

I love my man, but I also want to strangle him more often than not.

Especially when he gets too “motivated” about changing our home with all the renovations we dreamed of when we first viewed the property.

I appreciate his excitement, but he gets very unrealistic about what we can viably change in one season, at times. I swear, he has too many projects that he commits us both to. This is especially the case when he starts eyeballing the heating, cooling, and ventilation system, for instance. For the past two months, it seems like he is always going downstairs to poke at the boiler system or wandering outside to inspect the air conditioning condenser. I generally have no idea what he is doing to our indoor air handling devices, but apparently he has been making big plans. I learned this the hard way when he started talking about having an all-new air purification device installed in tandem with our central heating, cooling, and ventilation equipment. Then, he started manically talking about mini split ductless heating and cooling solutions for our bedroom in one breath. Now, I’m not against the idea of new air handling systems, but it seemed like we should hold off on the brand new air temperature control investment until we see how the other HVAC renovations have worked out. I mean, we just got the air purifier two weeks earlier. We had no idea if our indoor air quality had already been improved. Meanwhile, my husband was apparently obsessed with the idea of even more brand new indoor temperature control. Before I knew it, the heating and cooling technician was consulting with him about zone controlled heating and cooling as the mini split ductless system was still being installed. Please take a breath.


hvac products for sale

I avoided the midlife crisis thanks to my career

I also never have to doubt the impact that I make in people’s lives, because I can see the relief on my clients’ faces after I fix their heating, cooling, and ventilation systems

When I look around at my peers these days I get very sad. I don’t know what happened to everybody, but it seems like there have been a lot of major back slides among folks of my similar demographic. To be fair, we are at that age when people stereotypically have midlife crises. Let me tell you, I can understand how it happens. One day you wake up and realize that you have spent your life trying to earn a paycheck but everything about it makes you miserable. Luckily for me, I don’t feel this way. I went into an industry that I actually care about and it gives me life. As a professional heating, cooling, and ventilation technician I am never unhappy on the job. I never have to wonder about my next paycheck because I am very steadily compensated for my furnace and AC unit expertise and knowledge in the heating, cooling, and ventilation field. I never have to be concerned about finding a new HVAC position because there are heating and cooling repair shops all over the country. I also never have to doubt the impact that I make in people’s lives, because I can see the relief on my clients’ faces after I fix their heating, cooling, and ventilation systems. It also helps that every day is different in this profession. I never know if I am going to be installing a brand new air conditioning system or maintaining a broken commercial heating unit. When my friends and family tell me that they are unhappy with their current circumstances, I always invite them to join the heating, cooling, and air quality control profession.


duct cleaning

Convincing husband that purification is needed by saving filters

Sometimes I feel like my husband and I are from different planets.

We have many of the same opinions and views on life but we also have many differing perspectives.

Sometimes, these differences are so vast that I have a difficult time understanding where he is coming from. Apparently, he feels similarly. Recently we have both been in a bit of a fight over our indoor air temperature control system. Neither one of us can see the other person’s perspective very clearly, so we keep fighting in front of our thermostat and calling our HVAC technician to act like a referee in the middle of our arguments. At the root of it, we both just want to have high quality indoor air and air temperature control equipment. However, my idea of high-quality indoor air is very different from my husband’s. For the past six months I have been trying to convince him that we should get an air purification system which would work in tandem with our basic central heating, cooling, and ventilation system. We would not need to replace our air conditioner or forced air furnace to make this viable. We only needed to purchase the air purification system, call hour HVAC technician, and have the new air filtration device installed as a component of the larger central heating and cooling plan. After that, we could easily filter out unwanted airborne contaminants without additional wear and tear on the heating and cooling system. However, my husband just doesn’t think that air purification is necessary. That’s why I’ve been saving up our old air filters for the past year. When he sees how filthy and clogged our air filters become, maybe he will believe in air purification.


cooling expert

Studio without HVAC, on purpose

For just about a year now I have been working on my passion project with full commitment.

I have always wanted to become a mental health writer and advocate.

Surprisingly, I actually found a way to make some of this happen. A lot of my success is due to a podcast that I developed and produced all by myself. To this day, podcasting is one of the most important things that I do with my time. Unfortunately, there are some start-up costs to doing it well. Namely, I realized that my heating, cooling, and air quality control system needed to be renovated in order for my podcast sound quality to be amazing. I started noticing that there was some interference on my recordings from the heating, cooling, and ventilation system turning on and off throughout my episodes. At first, I thought that the sound of the furnace running in the background was fairly subtle. And then, my heating system started to get louder. That’s when my listeners started to complain about the poor sound quality thanks to my indoor air temperature control system. Of course, I really did not want to invest in all new heating, cooling, and ventilation machinery. Instead, I thought it would be a good idea to build a studio which could be separate from the heating, cooling, and air quality control equipment. That’s when I turned my shed into a brand new recording studio. I didn’t even bother installing a mini split ductless heating and cooling system for fear of noise pollution. Don’t get me wrong, it’s uncomfortable to record without AC or heat… but at least I’m following my dream.



a/c representative

Never residing with someone again

I don’t know how you feel about roommate situations, even though I feel… not easily good! I can’t say that I have had a good residing situation with any other human before, there’s constantly some drama that you don’t see coming before it’s too late when you’re cohabitating with irresponsible people, then and that seems ot be the norm in my world, at least.

These people seem like they’re responsible adults until we’re in the same house, sharing the same heating, cooling, plus air quality control system… not to mention, the same energy costs.

This is when all the concerns start, but my pal and I constantly have differing indoor air quality control preferences, from the air temperature all the way down to the humidity levels plus the amount that we’re comfortable changing the temperature control each day, and honestly, I’d rather that my pal and I could just agree on one set temperature control program plus never touch the indoor air quality control unit again. I want to establish an energy efficient, conservative indoor temperature control setting program plus let the temperature control run the rest of the show. I want someone to take ownership of the indoor air filter swings plus basic service requests. I don’t want to be bothered with arguing about the daily energy costs or the upcoming Heating and A/C repair services that my pal and I expect after beating the hell out of the heater plus cooling system. I know these are pretty satisfactory requests, but I’ve never found roommates who have the same Heating and A/C beliefs that I do. Instead, my pal and I confrontation about the temperature plus bills until the day our lease runs out. Then my pal and I never speak again, then give me the straight forward heating plus cooling, leave out the drama please.



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